Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Health Management Studies at Kellogg and Wharton

Blog Archive Health Management Studies at Kellogg and Wharton An often unsung  program at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management is the school’s  Health Enterprise Management program. The Health Enterprise Pathway includes three study modules, beginning with two foundational courses titled “Health Economics” and “Healthcare Strategy.” Students are recommended to take at least one foundational course, after which they can choose from two “depth” options: Life Sciences/Products, which features such courses as “Pharmaceutical Strategy” and “Critical Issues in the Pharmaceutical, Biotech, and Medical Device Industries,” and Payer/Provider, which offers such courses as “Population Health” and “Service Operations.” In the third module of the pathway, students partake in experiential or field studies. Among these options are “Medical Product Early Stage Commercialization” and “Medical Technologies in Developing Countries.” Another experiential offering in the third module of the pathway is the multidisciplinary “NUVention: Medical Innovation” lab class, which brings together industry leaders, top faculty members, and students from several of Northwestern’s graduate schools (Law, Engineering, Medicine, and Business). In this two-term course, students experience the “entire innovation life cycle” from a variety of perspectives: scientific, legal, and entrepreneurial/managerial. Students even shadow surgeons and observe clinicians to facilitate their own brainstorming sessions for an innovative productâ€"an actual product is created and presented to potential investors. Clearly, Kellogg  provides students interested in health care with an opportunity to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty (and then sanitize them after, of course). The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers students the possibility of majoring in Health Care Management. Unlike the school’s other majors, however, the Health Care Management major must be declared during the application process. The requirements for this program include two mandatory courses, “The Health Services System” and “Health Care Field Application Project,” and three electives from a list including such titles as “Private Sector Development in Global Health Development,” “Legal Aspects of Health Care,” and “Financial Management of Health Institutions.” The required “Health Care Field Application Project” course is taken in the second semester of the first year in learning teams of five to six students, in partnership with a real company in the field that has a current problem for the students to work on. Share ThisTweet Northwestern University (Kellogg) University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

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